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INSELLLAB(INsight SELLing Lab) Business Ability Assessment HR Solution (On-Line))

BigData Driven Diagnosing Solutions for Business Ability of the Company and Employees!


World’s first, Behavior Based Business Ability Assessment
33 years of global B2B Business & Business experience and know-hows
World’s & Korea’s first, developed by an expert possessing


Global 5 Company’s B2B Business International Certified Instructor

InSellLab Business Ability Assessment can be used at a company for the following purposes.

1.When a company hires new employees, you screen and filter applicants in advance, saving HR staff time and resources by providing standardization and efficiency to your HR department.

     Also, you can use it as a reference guidelines for placement as an optimal department

     that meets applicant’s individual skills.

     (You can use it as a comparison to verify business ability or level in interview.)

2.It shows the average values and the distribution chart about the 10~15 areas of the total Business Ability level, and this can be used as Reports tools for training and talent management in a strategic and systematic way for CEO, Directors, and Managers.
3.It can be uses as data to negotiate salary or it can evaluate in-house employee’s Business Ability.
4.You can check the development and training effect by comparing the Business Ability Assessment scores from before and after the training. (It can raise the participation and concentration of all participants)
5.It classifies the employees by Business Ability levels (total rank, instead of overall training by position), and it can maximize training effect and by making and executing training curriculum of the proper level and contents.
6.A certain period can be checked quarterly or regularly to compare and check Ability performance of a person.
7.An employee with the highest Business Ability is selected to be used as a high-performer role model. They can be operated as taking care of the VVIP customers to raise profits and Business performance.
8.When a company recruits an employee (such as Business marketing, call center, customer/technical center, manager/leader level), it can be used as a comparison data to prove the level of Business Ability in an job interview.
9.It digitizes an individual’s Business Ability level and received official verification from an expert to grasp the Business Ability level through relative comparisons.

Introduce the solution to diagnose and evaluate various business competencies of employee to your company’s evaluation system.
When contracting by years, you can use the evaluation to all employees without limit.
Use this data for interview evaluation when recruiting new employees or experienced employees!
Use as standard or reference to place employee in a department!
Diagnose and evaluate global employees with multi-language support including Korean and English (Chinese, Japanese, Germany, and etc., coming soon).
Maximize the effect of education by composing customized education curriculum with pre-diagnosis and evaluation before executing education.
Manage by analyzing the effect of education through post-diagnosis after executing education.
Use as standard and index of core personnel selection and training.
Use as standard and index to evaluate the performance of employees, and make fair and objective personnel evaluation.




























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