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SB Consulting, Grand Prize' '2016 Global Education Brand Award”

SB Consulting, Grand Prize' '2016 Global Education Brand Award”


Human resource management solution provider, SB Consulting (CEO Shim, Jai-woo) recently announced on the 16th that it won '2016 Global Education Brand Grand Prize' at the Auditorium of the National Assembly Library.


 The 'Global Education Brand Award' is an event held for people and companies (institutions) active in the education industry in 2016. SB Consulting has received this award as a management solution.




SB Consulting is the first company in the industry to offer 'Inselllab Business Capability Assessment Solution' that can quantify and analyze the performance of the team and the whole employees.

According to the company, while employee performance development, education, and performance management are important for corporate operation, there is not enough tool to manage it effectively. There were many cases where we relied on overseas solutions that did not fit well with domestic circumstances. SK Innovation was recognized for its ability to localize test solutions that can objectively diagnose individual and group competencies.


"Inselllab” is a solution to solve organizational management troubles and help systematic human resources management," said Shim, Jai-woo, CEO of SB Consulting. "In 2017, we will try to export Inselllab"



The InselLab business competency assessment solution has eight diagnostic types and provides statistics on the diagnostic result portfolio when all assessments are completed.


















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