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[Cover Story, Weekly People] CEO Jaiwoo Shim, Training Consultant Expert that developed “InsellLab’, a Business Competency Assessment Solution (On-line)

[Cover Story, Weekly People] CEO Jaiwoo Shim, Training Consultant Expert that developed “InsellLab’, a Business Competency Assessment Solution (On-line)














SB Consulting CEO Jaiwoo Shim, Innovative Icon Seeking for Convergence and Symbiosis

Every day, there are different kinds of issues and risks that are reported. That is why the role of a consultant, who suggests resolution in the complex modern society, has become more important. Appropriate resolution contributes in creating above and beyond performances by an individual or group. SB Consulting CEO Jaiwoo Shim has been nominated in the Marquis Who’s Who with great history in the world. This fact absolutely proves that the importance and influence of consultants is acknowledged along with individual performance. Consultants in the management field such as Peter Drucker, Tom Peters, Jim Collins, Clayton Christensen have also been acknowledged for creative activities and also have been nominated for Marquis Who’s Who. <Weekly People> heard about the story on how CEO Jaiwoo Shim is planning for future values.

Interview By_ Sunjin Lee, Sungho Lee / Written by_ Sungho Lee

Ritual of Indians
CEO of SB Consulting and also Professor of Ajou University College of Business Administration, 25 Journals on Business Capability, Evaluator and Expert Committee of Company Technical Values, International Official Facilitator, and Master Trainer. The spec of CEO Jaiwoo Shim is splendid. However, these experiences are not acquired as a chance. CEO Jaiwoo Shim also holds on to the hammer and spirit of challenge and effort. Effort starts to start challenge. Mr. Shim majored in structural interpretation and mechanical engineering. He started as the engineer at Hyundai Motors Institution of Technology as his first step into society. Then, he changed his area and executed work in B2B Sales and Marketing Business at GE (General Electric Company). First, he went through difficulties. This was because the business sales world and engineering world were different

“In the engineering world, I am given 10 when I give 10. However, I am given 10 but give 1 or sometimes 20 in the business sales world. That is why it was difficult for me. Around the 3rd year in sales at GE, I thought about giving up. However, I always thought about my favorite creed. The ritual of Indians always succeeds. This is because they hold rituals until the rain falls.”

CEO Shim started to see outcome after his hard work. It wasn’t something small. At the age of 39, he conquered 100% in plastic bumper development and sales area with the world’s best record. We refer to these people as ‘rising stars’. CEO Shim received a nickname “A star that is shining’ along with several awards as well. However, CEO Shim started to get bored. There was nothing more he wanted to challenge at GE. So, he decided to start over by challenging in ‘My Work’. He immediately resigned.


I’ve always wanted to do something I can do for the rest of my life. So, I decided Training Consulting would be the best to deliver business capability and methods to others. After founding SB Consulting, I would call other companies, suggested meetings, and visited the companies. However, because I did not have any network or background, it was actually quite difficult. I would tell them I worked at GE for a long time, but it didn’t matter. The first thing I had to do was reveal myself.”

Mr. Shim then decided to become an author due to his wife’s advice. He decided to write about presentation. He carefully analyzed related books from the beginning. It took a long time. However, Mr. Shim eventually published his first book “Make Presentations like Jack Welch”. As he started to accumulate total sales of his books, his representation and popularity also went up. Many companies then started to request training to CEO Shim. The first company that requested training was very satisfied and then recommended another company. CEO Jaiwoo Shim does not have to suggest meetings first. Due to his effort and challenging mind, he was able to see the rain in the dried-out ground. 


Training Program that Emphasizes Practicality 
After the founding of SB Consulting, CEO Shim developed over 50 training programs. Most related programs are developed by someone in the area, so it wasn’t easy for Mr. Shim, an engineer, to develop training programs. After thinking over, he thought about an inverse concept. Most programs are usually developed based on theoretical view, but Mr. Shim decided to see the business aspects in training programs. Also, he used his characteristics as an engineer to efficiently compose the process. The training program developed by CEO Shim was more practical and it was naturally applied to actual cases. The reason SB Consulting was able to be acknowledged by many individuals and groups was for this reason. “I am almost there to reach my 60s but I have never taken a break. I don’t like to fall behind. In the future, I am planning to develop training programs by studying and systemizing topics that are being focused such as big data, artificial intelligence, and cloud system.

Achieve Innovation through Creativity 
There are many diagnosis and tests that evaluate the capability and skills of an individual in each country and area. However, there is no test that diagnosis business capability of a company or employee. No. There was never a test like that. Before CEO SHIM developed “Inselllab”, which is an absolute assessment system of Business Capabilities, there was never a system like this. However, he was not acknowledged for this system at first. But, the situation changed. Marquis Who’s Who officially acknowledged CEO Shim, worldwide. So, what is the story on how CEO Jaiwoo Shim developed “Inselllab’, which has been globally acknowledged?

Training Consulting is usually done Offline. However, due to various variables, it isn’t easy for continuous offline business. So, I developed various training programs that include E-learning. When training this program, I saw a trainee assessing a lecturer. The only thing to evaluate a trainee is attendance. So, I decided to develop a system to assess the trainees.


Inselllab Business Capability Certificate

After a while, CEO Shim developed a system to evaluate salesmen with numbers by analyzing the contents of conversation between salesman and customer. However, this didn’t go long due to the customers that did not like recording. However, after changing the mind, CEO Shim was able to develop ‘Inselllab’, which is an absolute assessment program that is executed online. First, there were some errors such as low discrimination and high accessibility. However, he soon supplemented the errors and revealed the new Inselllab that divided 8 assessment types. Users can take the test and receive the results from Online. This system soon received good response from individuals and companies. He has achieved innovation through creativity.

Inselllab accurately points out the pros and cons per team or per individual and also identifies the change from before receiving training and after. Based on this information, efficient training consulting or work distribution can be done. Also, this can be referred for recruitment. From now on, I will make absolute support so that this program can be used in applications and also to be supported in various languages.”

Importance of Question 
To the question, “What is most important for sales and facilitation?” CEO Shim answered that ‘Question’ is important for any area of work. Even during training, questions are dealt with first. He also stated that he is researching and currently developing training programs with new questions that correspond to the chance of trend. 

No one tends to speak out during a meeting or conference. This is because hopefully someone else brings up a brilliant idea. However, this is a mistake. Creativity does not just appear suddenly. The process has to be thought. However, it does not mean a great idea appears just because there is a lot of time. We have to be able to use questions to stimulate ideas.”

It is the same thing in sales. Sales area is most successful when the customer speaks more than the salesman. We fail when we try to sell an item. First, we have to solve the problem that the customer has and then throw adequate questions so that we can hear the right answer from the customer.”

Resolution in Preparation for Unclear Future like 4th Industrial Revolution
We are soon reaching the future where a great amount of artificial intelligence will be used between mankind. However, CEO Shim says we don’t have to worry.

We have to do something that can only be done by humans. This includes planning or consulting. However, we also need the positive mind of how we should do it. Moreover, we should not be afraid of artificial intelligence but rather understand and study about it. That is where we can find our future.”

Furthermore, CEO Shim emphasized convergence and Symbiosis. Convergence of creating new things and Symbiosis of helping each other. Both have to be possible by focusing on understanding and love about people. That is why the story of CEO Shim makes people happy. CEO Shim is preparing for a new leap in visual sinking. Then, he suddenly remembered something. A ritual is not only useful for people that hold a ritual. The important thing was that CEO Shim holds rituals with the people in the business field.



Nominated for developing “Inselllab Business Capability Diagnosis Solution’ in the Marquis Who’s Who 2016 World Biographical Dictionary. Acquired Worldwide Official Certification for Inselllab HR Solution. Awarded with “2016 South Korea Industrial Companies Service Innovation Grand Prize” and “2016 Global Training Brand Grand Prize”.


Worked at GE for 8 years in Marketing and Sales area.
Recorded Rank 1 (in the world) by succeeding in many long-term projects.
Expert of Sales Area that achieved more than billions KRW sales based on 20 years ago.
Execute global business (3-4 months very year) by going around headquarter in U.S, Japan, and Europe.
Master Trainer of U.S. Huthwaite SPIN.

Majored in mechanical engineering at Ajou University and Dong Grad School

Executed design and development at Institution of Technology, Hyundai Motors

8 years at General Electric (GE) for B2B Marketing, Sales, Planning, Project Managing, Technology Development, and Training.

Master Coach of Town Meeting – CAP – Action Running

Professor at Ajou Management Grad School

Trains interview skills to admission officer of schools, interviewer in companies

Trains trainees for recruitment to raise competitiveness at companies by teaching know-how and experience.

25 published books based on 33 years experience in global business

CEO of SB Consulting, executes training consulting and training on “Sales”, “Question Skills”, “Communication”, “Presentation”, “Composing Proposals”, “Coaching”, “Negotiation”, “Creativity and Problem Solving”, “Lecturing Methods”, “Conference Facilitation Skill”, “Management n Changes and Leadership”, “NPS”, and “Leadership Training Pipeline”

Developed over 50 Business Competency Training Program

Founder Member of “Convergence & Symbiosis Forum”






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